Our services we offer and how it Works
Business Listing
If you are a business in the civil industry you can register and list your business on our website so that companies looking for your services can find you. Register your listing for FREE* T&C's apply
Employee Listing
If you are looking for work in the civil industry you can register and list your CV on our website so that companies looking for employees can find you. Register your listing for FREE
Employer Listing
If you are looking for employees you can register and list your Job spec on our website so that candidates can find you
Register Now - Follow these easy steps below
Create an Account
You will need to register an account with Construction Junction to get started.
Ad Type / Category
Select the most appropriate ad type and category from the dropdown list.
Enter Listing Details
The website will load the relevant page for you to enter all the details about your ad and submit.
Please note that your ad will have a status of "Pending" until our team reviews and publishes online.
Keeping the Civil Industry Connected